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LOOM Health Drips


30- 60 minutes


130- 180€

Suggested sessions

1 - 6 

IV drips- customized vitamin infusions

In many metropolises around the world, such as Singapore, Dubai, Los Angeles, or London, vitamin infusions have long been known to support the well-being of healthy individuals. In so-called "drip spas," you can treat yourself to an intravenous cocktail of minerals and vitamins, in addition to other beauty treatments.


The term is derived from the English word "drip," implying a slow, steady infusion, and "spa," the generic term for wellness facilities. In Germany, too, these infusions are becoming increasingly popular, especially given their wide-ranging applications for healthy individuals.


The aim of these infusions is to replenish nutrient stores and strengthen the body's own metabolic processes in a preventative manner, which can also benefit healthy individuals and provide a protective effect.


This is where drip spas come in: offering vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and amino acids to strengthen you from the inside out! The advantages of drip spa infusions are evident:


  • The valuable ingredients are 100% absorbed, resulting in faster and more intensive onset of action.

  • Micronutrient stores can be replenished in a sustainable and uncomplicated manner.

  • No additional additives are included (as is often the case with oral supplements).

  • There are no interactions with food, as the gastrointestinal tract passage is bypassed.

The drips for different needs

Immun drip

A strong immune system is crucial for defending against pathogens, particularly during the winter months when infections are more prevalent. Factors like an unbalanced diet, inadequate sleep, and daily stress can compromise our immune defenses, hindering the body's ability to respond effectively to viruses and bacteria. Certain micronutrients can specifically bolster the immune system, shielding the body internally from external influences.



To strengthen the immune system:

- 7,5g Vitamin C

- L- lysine

-L- carnitine 

Detoxification and antioxidants:

- L- arginine

- L- citrulline

- L- ornithine

- Taurine 

- L- methionine 

- L- carnosine


Investment: 140€

Detox drip

Embrace a lighter, more liberated life by freeing yourself from unnecessary burdens, including those within your body. Cleanse your body! Rid yourself of harmful waste and accumulated toxins, supporting detoxification and elimination with vital amino acids and antioxidants. Depending on the toxin, our bodies employ various detoxification mechanisms to ensure efficient disposal or conversion into non-toxic metabolites.



Liver detoxification phase I and II:

- L-methionine

- Glycine

Antioxidants and detoxification of ammonia:

- Taurine

- L- carnitine

-L- arginine

-L- ornithine


Maintain the barrier function of our intestines and complex pollutants:

- L- glutamine

- L- lysine

Investment: 130€

Vitality drip

A comprehensive regimen of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins designed to enhance vitality proactively, enabling us to maintain optimal health and vitality!



- 7,5g Vitamin C

- B- Komplex

- Electrolytes

- Magnesium

Amino acids: L- Isolceucin, L-Leucin, L-Lysin, L-Methionine, L-Phenylanin, L- Taurin, L- Threonin, L- Tryptophan, L-Valin


Investment: 130€


Zen drip

Escaping the daily routine, seeking moments of peace, and taking deep breaths are desires we often have but struggle to fulfill due to time constraints. Even at bedtime, racing thoughts can persist, making it difficult to unwind from the day's events. To optimize physical and mental relaxation, specific micronutrients can activate the vagus nerve—the parasympathetic nervous system—acting as balancing agents and promoting the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone.



Calming and balancing:

- Glycine

- Taurine

- L- tryptophan

- Choline Citrate

Lower blood pressure and protect nerve cells:

- potassium and magnesium


Investment: 130€



Beauty drip

Full hair, a healthy complexion, and strong nails are essential aspects of modern beauty standards. To restore smoothness and firmness to the skin and promote strong hair structure, specific micronutrients, alongside appropriate cosmetics, exercise, and balanced nutrition, can be utilized. Key amino acids for collagen synthesis, enhancing blood circulation, and sulfur-containing substances play significant roles in achieving these beauty goals.



Strengthening the collagen fibers:

- Glycine

- Proline/ Lysine

- 7,5g Vitamin C

- L- arginine

Promotion of keratin structure

- L- methionine

- Taurine

- biotin 

Investment: 130€






Aging gracefully

Supplying our cells with antioxidants and essential micronutrients is crucial for healthy aging. Mature skin requires special attention to maintain elasticity and firmness. By replenishing key building blocks like L-proline and L-lysine, collagen synthesis can be supported, promoting optimal skin aging. The age gracefully infusion combines all necessary amino acids and micronutrients to facilitate cell regeneration and enable graceful aging.



Promotion of blood circulation:

- L-Arginine

Detoxification and antioxidants:

- Glycine

- Taurine

- L- Carnosine 

Structure collagen fibers:

- L-Lysine

- L-Proline

Positive influence on neurotransmitter balance:

- N-acetyl- L- tyrosine 

- L- methionine


Investment: 180€


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